Hydraulic Engineering

Hydraulic engineering is a diverse sector. That also applies to the work that takes place there. Despite the high safety requirements, things sometimes go wrong. A small accident can have major consequences. Routine work can sometimes also be a risk. In addition, more and more attention is being paid to mental well-being. If you feel good about yourself, you work much better. Therefore, don't forget to take a good look at yourself and your colleagues from time to time.


Arie Palmers works at the Pilotage and stresses that the biggest danger of his job is not the piloting itself, but getting to the workplace.


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Webinar Hydraulic Engineering

Industry representatives talk to each other about safety. How can we improve work safety together?

Interview with Bas

Bas talks about his work as a Second Mate in hydraulic engineering and about working with a life vest. "It can be annoying, but it's a necessity."

Tripping - slipping

Tripping and slipping constitute the most common accidents on board. They usually result in a few bruises, but it can also go badly wrong. Have you ever had a fall at work?

A listening ear at sea

Stefan Francke has been a marine pastor for Dutch dredging companies for many years. Because life at sea can be not only challenging and dangerous, but also requires long periods away from home, he offers a listening ear and support.

A good start to the day

Starting the day off right. How do you do it? Theo shares some tips on how he starts the day off right with his crew.

Radio Medical Service

The KNRM Radio Medical Service provides assistance to ships anywhere in the world. They mostly sail out for sick people. However, an accident can happen at any time.

Interview with Hendrik

Hendrik Postma, Chairman of the Association of Hydraulic Engineers, talks about the importance of human behaviour in safety culture.


Sometimes, it is tempting to turn a blind eye to the safety rules. Especially when you're busy. Do you point out safety issues to your colleagues?

Open culture on board

Everyone is responsible for themselves as well as each other, so that risks are minimized and prepared for unexpected situations.

Falling objects

It can happen in a split second! Look through the eyes of a colleague.


Ben jumps into the training pool of STC-KNRM. Once with and once without a life jacket. What do you think is safest on open water?

Interview with Leon

Leon is the Captain of the Amazone. He has to make sure everyone communicates well. And that the crew is well informed about the work on board.